About Taijn Torijn
Welcome to my website!
My life motto is:
If you can dream it, you can do it!
(Walt Disney)
The desire for change has defined my life for quite some time. In 2016, I finally started to set a new "course". The impetus was the realization that I wanted to promote my creative talents and realize my creative ideas. In addition to building my data privacy consulting firm, in that respect, I discovered my interest in 3D printing, software-based design, and digital imaging. To this day, I continue to educate myself in these areas and have worked on various collections of digital artworks and designs, as well as music.
Taijn Torijn is my artist name, an expression of my creative alter ego and ultimately my interest in personal development.
I don't want to put any more limits on my creativity and passion. To put it in simple words:
- Name: Eric Wagner
- Born 1978 in Dillingen Saar, DE
- 1999 to 2007: Law studies in Saarbrücken and Trier, DE
- 2007 to 2013: distance learning in the field of Intellectual Property Law, Fernuniversität Hagen, DE; Worked as a patent officer in the area of legal brand management in a law firm in Saarbrücken, DE, specializing in the international protection of trademarks, designs, patents, copyrights, etc
- 2014 to 2019: Foundation, management and sale of the data protection consultancy netvocat GmbH, Saarbrücken, DE.
- 2016 to 2021: Part-time and later full-time further training in computer-aided 3D design (3D-Coat, Maya etc.), digital image processing, music composition and production.
- 2021 to date: Working as a cross-media artist, designer, musician and music producer; Development of the brand (registered DE, EU trademark) and the online gallery "Taijn Torijn" - www.taijntorijn.com; Completing and preparing for publication of a novel.