Mandatory information according to § 5 TMG, § 18 MStV and § 2 DL-InfoV:
This imprint also applies to the profiles operated under Taijn Torijn® and corresponding professional profiles on the following social networks:
google+ , Twitter , Xing , Facebook , Instagram , Pinterest
§ 5 paragraph 1 no. 1TMG, § 2 paragraph 1 no. 1, 2 DL-InfoV:
Erik Wagner
Saarstrasse 29
66806 Ensdorf Saar
Section 5 (1) no. 2TMG, Section 2 (1) no. 2 DL-InfoV:
§ 5 paragraph 1 no. 6 TMG, § 2 paragraph 1 no. 5 DL-InfoV:
Domain / Internet address:,
Sales tax identification no. (VAT no.): DE291223278
Section 2 Paragraph 1 No. 11 DL-InfoV:
Professional indemnity insurance:
Name and address: No specification necessary
Geographical scope: Throughout the EU territory and the states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area
§ 18 paragraph 2 MStV:
Responsible: Erik Wagner, Saarstraße 29, 66806 Ensdorf Saar
§ 36 VSBG:
Out-of-court dispute resolution in consumer disputes: The operator of this website and the associated company do not participate in dispute settlement procedures before a consumer arbitration board.
Note regarding the use of the imprint information:
The use of the information (in particular the contact details) in this imprint for commercial use, in particular for advertising purposes, is expressly not permitted without the prior written consent of the website operator, unless a business relationship already exists between the parties. The operator of the website as a service provider and all persons named on this website hereby object to any commercial use and disclosure of the data listed in the imprint. In the event of illegal use, for example by sending advertising information in the form of spam e-mails, the website operator and all persons named in the imprint expressly reserve the right to take legal action.